Maths Assessment

Dragon Maths

Fractions Pages 32, 33, 34

Senior Block 

How many students are there in your class?
What fraction of the class are boys?
What fraction of the class are girls?

How many flax bushes are there outside Room 5 & 6?
What fraction of the flax bushes are brown?

How many windows in Room 5?

What fraction of these are protected by metal bars?
 How many bags are on the Room 5 wall?

What fraction of these are backpacks?
What fraction of the bags have NOT been hung up?

How many recycle bins are there outside Room 6?
What fraction of them are green?
What fraction of them are blue?

How many pairs of shoes are outside Room 5?
What fraction of the shoes have laces

Junior Block 

How many framed certificates are on the hallway wall?
What fraction of them are from World Vision?

How many student photos are on Room 4's door?
What fraction of them have students wearing white tops?

How many pets do the students in Room 1 have?
What fraction of them are turtles?


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